Bird Watching Morning Tour

Costa Rica has long been famous among serious bird watchers, but many people who would never consider the activity at home quickly have become interested in the country’s spectacular avian diversity. Eagle Tours give to you this opportunity to discover and enjoy birds in Costa Rica.

With almost 850 species of birds -more than total of what North America has- packed into an area half the size of Kentucky, it’s hard not to become enthused about the variety of feathered creatures one encounters in Costa Rica.

Eagle Tours provide experienced nature guides who make any bird watching expedition an educational experience.

One of the reasons for Costa Rica’s extraordinary bird life is the country’s great variety of habitats: rain forests, mangrove swamps, beaches, cloud forest, rivers, most of these places you could find it in Fortuna. And any two of those ecosystems, with their resident bird species, are often only a short distance apart. Birders from North America who visit Costa Rica during the northern winter invariably recognize familiar faces in the forest, since many species of warblers, flycatchers, vireos, orioles, etc. migrate to Costa Rica every winter and Arenal Area it is one the best places to find it.

Departure Time:
5: 00 AM

Length of Tour:
4 hours

We Recommend:
Hiking Shoes, Camera, Binoculars, Mosquito Repellent,

Includes: Transportation, Guide, Coffee, Snack, and Beverages.

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